Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Few Random Twilight Thoughts

As the sun rides its golden chariot towards the western horizon, as the graying sky quietly unfolds its myriad hues, gradually giving way to an all enveloping darkness, my mind goes through a variety of emotions which takes me through childhood memories, old and precious…

Twilight, for me, is a happy childhood memory of the short time spent at my small village which holds my roots… My ancestral house which stood proudly by the huge, magnificent pond; the small Aiyappa temple on one side of the pond, the reflection of the steadily burning flame of the temple lamp on the water of the pond as it moved in ripples, the fragrance of fresh sandalwood paste given with fresh flowers on green banyan leaves, and the mystical chime of the brass temple bell during the time of the evening pooja… To this day, twilight temple visits leave me with the same intense memory and my mind feels utmost restful.

Twilight, for me, reminds me of lonely evenings I spent as a child in a far away boarding school, looking forlornly at the cold, grey sky, filled with longing for the proximity of my family. How I hated the Tamil devotional songs which blared from a nearby temple… Even today, those particular hymns evoke in me a sort of melancholy that is hard to get over…

Twilight, for me, reminds me of those days bygone, where under the watchful eyes of our grandmother we had to recite aloud various prayers in front of the lighted lamp or ‘nilavilakku’.  It was here that I got introduced to the forms of various Gods and Goddesses, through the assorted pictures that adorned the walls of the narrow corridor. Some days, we would be told stories from religious scriptures too, which no doubt enhanced my interest towards mythology…

Twilight, for me, is the sight of the innumerable flock of homing birds as they make their way in an orderly manner to destinations unknown. The inverted ‘V’ like formation never fails to captivate me even today, as I tilt my head up and eagerly lap up the sight.

Twilight, for me, is also the overwhelming view of the fire in the majestic mountains that are far away, leaving a bright golden line within the dark silhouette, gradually fading away into nothingness…

Twilight, for me, is total spirituality. It’s a time when I feel the desire to be with myself and my thoughts… a time to recharge and re-energize… to introspect and make amends. For me, it is the time where i feel totally at peace with myself and the whole world….

1 comment:

  1. It used to be my favourite time of the day as well. Cant say that I enjoy them that much these days... The prayers, the temple visits - how I used to love those times - miss them all now.

    Thanks for taking me down the memory lane - may be one day I'll again fall in love with Twilight !!!
